Raw materials for the beer production

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The main raw materials used in beer production are as follows...

Malt adjuncts

Malt :- The malt is prepared from carefully selected barley. This barley is first cleaned and then steeped in water for period up to two days. The excess water is then drained and the soaked barley is further incubated for periods of approximately four to six days to allow formation of a short rootlet and acrospire. This germination step allows the formation of highly viscous α - amylase, β - amylase and proteolytic enzymes, as well as flavor and color components.

At the end of incubation, the temperature is just raised to stop the germintaion without harming any enzyme, although high temperatures can be employed to obtain dark colored stout and bock beer fermentation.

Hence the green malt produced is carefully dried and stored. The preparation of good malt is an exacting task and it requires careful selection of barley and close supervision of malting process.
So most of the beer producing companies do not produce their own malt. But they rely on other companies who specialize in this art.

The other raw materials needed in beer production well be described soon.